Cancun Mexico poster print


The city of Cancun is Caribbean hive of sun, fun and American influence. Its considered to be a young city of the world; first appearing on maps in the 18th century and beginning to develop itself as a tourist resort in 1970. Due to Cancuns weather schedule, the best time to visit is during the winter sun period of December to April when the temperatures are high and the chances of rain and hurricanes are low.

Split into 2 main sections  El Centro (the centre) and the Hotel Zone. The latter occupies a v-shaped strip that has the Caribbean Sea on one side and a large natural lagoon on the other. Both speed boat and Jet Ski tours are available to whisk you through the lagoon (which is said to have the biggest population of alligators outside of Florida) through to the sea, where a an amazement of underwater life can be found.

Aside from the stunningly beautiful beach and warm lapping waves of the sea, one of Cancuns biggest selling points is its nightlife. There are very few places in the world that could compete with it quite frankly! A short distance from the hotel zone will find you smack bang in the centre of the action flashy clubs and bars offering a variety of different music and entertainment. Like the hotels many of the clubs have an all inclusive entrance price, meaning the cost of your drinks are already covered on entry. The performances inside really are the highlight, which could be anything from a Cirque du Solei- style show to a world class DJ hitting the decks. One of the most well-known venues is Coco Bongo which has featured performances inspired by a wide variety of references - The Mask, Spiderman, Moulin Rouge, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean and Michael Jackson to name just a handful.